Monday, February 2, 2009

Bioethical Debate

Which topic are you going to be debating?


Anonymous said...

My group is doing the debate on the choosing of the sex of the baby.

Anonymous said...

My group is doing; should people be able to choose the sex of their baby.

Anonymous said...

my group was going to do:should assisted suicide be legal?

Anonymous said...

my group is doing, should junk food be allowed to be sold in public schools

Anonymous said...

hello mrs. brose!!

Anonymous said...

My group is doing: idk

-Bruno the Strawberry

Anonymous said...

My group is doing:

Should assisted suicide be legal?

Becky :D

Anonymous said...

My group is doing the debate on whether junk food should be sold in school or not.

-Jonathan Coyle

Anonymous said...

My group is doing "should assisted suicide be legal.

Anonymous said...

My group is debating whether or not assisted sucicide should be legal.
-Hannah Kalb

Jonathan Coyle said...

hey is this cleveland?

Anonymous said...

My group is doing our debate topic onthe following question:

Should people be able to choose the sex of their baby?

Briana Foley :)
3rd Period

Anonymous said...

My topic is if junk food should be sold in public schools.
-Quinn Hickey

Anonymous said...

We don't have a biological debate anymore


Anonymous said...

our group is debating on if assistant suicide should be legal or not.

Anonymous said...

My group is doing the debate on whether junk food should be sold in school or not.
-Jen O'Neal-

Anonymous said...

My group is doing; should people be able to choose the sex of their baby.


Anonymous said...

My group is doing the debate on the selling of junk food in schools.

-Emily Frey :)

Anonymous said...

My group was going to do:
Should peop be able to choos the sex of their baby?

Anonymous said...

My group is doing the debate on whether or not assisted suicide should be legal...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My group is doing the debate about "Should you be able to change the sex of a baby?"


Anonymous said...

My group is doing the debate on the choosing of the sex of a baby. PH

Anonymous said...

Led zeppelin is the best band in the world

Jonathan Coyle said...

dillon, I don't know what your talkin about, Aerosmith is the best band ever!!!!!!!!!! haha