Friday, June 12, 2009


Enjoy your summer break!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20-14

This week we will continue what we started on Friday. Our Career unit....Chapter two.

Monday- Talk about becoming a doctor; Inventory Quiz
Tuesday- Guest Speaker
Wednesday- Various careers in the medical field
Thursday-Characteristics of a worker
Friday-Chapter Two Test

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14-17

These past couple of weeks have been sooo busy. Here's what is on for this week:

Tuesday- Muscle and Bone Injuries, skill: splinting
Wednesday- Review for test and practice skits
Thursday- Test, perform first aid skits
Friday-Start Chapter 2 on Careers

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 9-13

Not sure what happened to last week but it flew by... here is what is up for this week:

Monday- Review/Test over Chapter 7... your worksheet and Eulogy is due.
Tuesday- A Walk To Remember,...a free day for your hard work with reading the book!!
Wednesday- Start Vital Signs
Thursday- Temperature, Pulse
Friday- Written Work

**Don't forget to be looking over term list #4...Test next week!!

P.S. 9 Days until spring break!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Feb 24th-27th

Tuesday-Review for Chapter 13 test, complete worksheets
Wednesday- Guest Speaker: ORGAN DONATION
Thursday- Chapter 13 Test (Infection Control)
Friday- Start Chapter 7; Growth and Development

We will also continue to read A Walk to Remember

Make sure you are studying for your terminology #3 week!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

2009 Hosa Regional Winners

Picture of the winners from our regional competition at Roane State. Congrats to everyone and hope that you can bring back some ribbons from the state competition in March.


The following posters were voted as the best by my Forensics class. Congrats to the winners!

Hopefully some of you will join HOSA next year!